

PLPS conducts a transition program over four sessions for those children leaving kindergarten and commencing their primary education. This program is a vital component of ensuring our new students make a smooth transition to the beginning of their formal education. During the transition program, our new students have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new school environment, meet many of the staff they will be interacting with and experience some of the structures and programs they will encounter at PLPS. An evening information session for all parents concludes our program.

Our school has forged a strong relationship with Lakeside Children’s Centre which also enhances the transition process. This includes the opportunity for kindergarten children to visit our school on special occasions such as Book Week or view school programs such as our musical performance.

GRADE 2 – 3

At PLPS we provide an intra-school transition program for our students who will be entering grade 3. This four week program is designed to prepare students for subtle changes that they will experience for the first time in their primary education. These include participating in formal sporting events and programs, attending school camps and increased responsibility for their own learning within the educational environment. Our program also provides an opportunity for them to forge relationships with students who will be entering grade 4 and with whom they will make up the Level 3 Learning Area.

YEAR 6 - 7

All grade 6 students participate in a statewide transition program that enables our exiting students to attend their secondary school of the following year and experience a day as a secondary student.