Through our Social and Emotional teaching and learning program we strive to bring our school vision to fruition:
“At PLPS we endeavour to develop students who are curious, have the capacity to work collaboratively and who connect their learning to the real world. Through learning we seek to foster values that contribute to their development as lifelong learners.”
At PLPS our school’s five core values of Respect, Responsibility, Tolerance, Integrity and Co-operation guide our interactions and behaviours. Our curriculum is about building character, as well as learning. Values education assists our students to exercise ethical judgement and social responsibility. Values have been articulated into the school’s culture through policies and practices, including teaching and learning.
Effective values education:
The Social and Emotional program at PLPS is based upon the Resilience and Respectful Relationships resources, the Berry Street Education Model and the Zones of Emotional Regulation.
© Pakenham Lakeside Primary School